Reviews and Resolutions

As the year draws to a close, Another new year beckons with much hope. There is no need belabouring the annual rituals of reviews, overviews, counter views, and reflections or stalk taking exercises to measure what we set out to do this year, in order to draw new resolutions. By now we all have a fair idea of what we have been able to accomplish, where we have fallen short and what we couldn't achieve. Whatever the outcome, please don't be discourage but be encouraged to do your little best. Indeed, we all had our fair share of ups and downs, happy and sad moments, just as we had defining moments and minor moments with some minuses. We might have had huge appetite and big expectations to do A, B and C this year. And I know there were even moments we nearly succumb to frustration of our inability to meet set goals. In the course of the year, we might have also incurred some loses in our various endeavours, with some of us loosing relatives or friends in the year. In fac...