Aaah! Is it lunch time already? How come runs so fast of late? Talking about lunch breaks, brought back some memories of yesteryear. So it happened that an 11-year old Kalu was going to take his lunch at home several years ago. After fetching his food, he yielded to the temptation to fetch more soup from the reserve soup for their supper and perhaps fish for more meat. He gently closed the door, looked left, right and at his back to ensure there was no intruder, before setting out to fish in the soup pot. But interestingly he forgot to look up to see whether God was watching and even ignored the warning from his conscience not to do it. So Kalu starting using the ladle to search for more meet and got some. He was busily taking the meat, when luck run out on him. He was caught by his mother right in the act and you just imagine beatings and the shame on his face. It also happens in our lives. Sometimes you get to see the real attitude of people especially when we know the...