
Showing posts from September 29, 2019

Several Stories

It's dangerous knowing only one story. It's very injurious to hold onto only one story. But it's likely the many people we meet every day; have different stories besides what we know. It's a fact that those we interact with have many silent stories. Although I don't know how many people you saw today or how many of them you spoke to, I do know that there are more stories we are yet to discover. I mean, of the many faces you met yesterday; Of the many voices you heard or listened to today; Of the various individuals we would see tomorrow; It's possible they have many unique tales and details yet to be told. However, it's unfortunate we sometimes assess others based on the one-sided story we know. Oftentimes, we are guilty of judging others based on one perspective of an individual's character. The danger of a single perspective or story is seriously damaging our hopes and prospects. In as much as we may not know all versions and verses of vari...

Subtle Intent

The waves keeps coming & coming. The breeze keeps blowing & blowing. Their styles keep swinging & shifting. And some of our own keep betraying & betraying. But their schemes are very much alive. Indeed, not everyone who smiles is a friend. Not everyone who speak truth is an enemy. Some friends are very deliberate and strategic. While others with permanent interest still live. Have we forgotten we were the uncivilized race? Have we forgotten their pledged to civilize us? Have we forgotten how our dignity was dented? Have we forgotten how our identity was smeared? But remember their subtle comings. Remember their exotic god & how they fought us. Remember their enticing mirror & gin traps. Remember the demeaning episodes of yesterday. Remember their cunning defiant machines. So after disturbing our order, After whipping most of us to be in order, And after helping us mimic their ways, Somehow many have become desperate beggars, And mostly conf...

Warm October

O-pen wide the gates of opportunities and  blessings on your people Yahweh! C-reate a creative certitude in us that will challenge us to care more for ourselves and others, Lord. T-ransmit your abundant grace to sustain a willing  drive in us. O-ccupy our thoughts with new possibilities Lord. B-righten, Yahweh the smiles of your people  with blissful moments of blessings. E-levate our hopes to make new gains in this new month. And R-emember O! good Lord to renew, and rekindle our resolve to live in the warmth of October. Remain blessed. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿1/10/19