
Showing posts from May 7, 2017


You are a gift to humanity. Every human being is a gift to humanity. Every moment is a privilege for the living. So please don't postpone the duty of care to any other hour. Be deliberate and spontaneous in blessing people with your unique gifts. And extend that caring hand to the needy today, because tomorrow might just be too late. Have a blissful evening.🕸🌙 #KYB ✍®#


Liberate your mind from the tired energy. Live the unique moments of every count. Unwind with positive perspectives, even as you recreate the beautiful moments you desire. Be blessed abundantly. #KYB✍🏿®#


It is unlikely for everybody to appreciate your efforts in any endeavour. So please don't waste your time waiting for their approval or appreciation. Like the lizard that has survived from the fall from a high wall and appreciates itself, you also should appreciate yourself. Please do yourself the favour to appreciate your efforts today. Appreciate your challenges and your unique talents or abilities to navigate through them. Appreciate the people in your life, who have contributed directly or indirectly to your growth and the success of your endeavours. And above all appreciate your God, who has blessed you with the breathe of life and the energies He discharges in your life and those of your enemies and love ones. Remain Blessed 🌙🌝 #KYB ✍#


💭Is it about your inner beauty or resilient spirit? Is it about your strength or courage? What explains your  worth and zeal? What makes you so  special to humanity and yet so simple and meek? What is it about your name that we can't forget or erase? And how can we compensate for all your time in nursing and nurturing us to grow? How can we pay you for accepting to be our natural gateway to existence? Hah! I knew it is within  your DNA & Character trait to care, to comfort and to complement our Fathers. I might not  know all your fears, pains and tears you shed silently just to live & be. I didn't know the pleasure of risks you took yesterday and just a while ago to make our homes come alive and our lives better.  And yet God made you special to perform this role in a lifetime. Ayekoo to you for your  efforts, toils and triumph as a Mother.  And Thank You for being a Mother to us  yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank yo...


The moon smiled again at our many moments of manoeuvres and managing trends of a Monday routine. And with the calm evening looks, may I please know how you are doing? How was your day? Are we on course? Are we growing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Are we leveraging the opportunities we are blessed with? Hah! Hope that's not too much ooo? By the way, thank God for bringing us this far. Have a pleasant evening blessed one. God bless you.🌹🌿 #KYB ✍®#


With the demands of our daily routines, we might sometimes miss the essence of keeping a sane balance in life. However, in between the social space and our economic space, there is a begging silent space that is often strangled. The silent silvery space is very much needed to stay connected or reconnected with ourselves and our true mission. So in exploring the creative space of time in our various official and unofficial functions, or in the familiar polluted misappropriated spaces; In trying to maintain a good balance between this material space and the spiritual space, may we always remain relevant and true to the ultimate mission we were sent to fulfill. Enjoy this peaceful evening space as you relax. TGIF Remain Blessed. #KYB✍®#