Tell Our Fathers We Appreciate Them

Some call you Dada, Daddy, Papa, Uncle and Brothers, but what we know is that you are our Fathers and we appreciate you. We are aware and unaware of your toils, pains, sacrifices, and strive to give us the needed comfort in life. We are often unaware of your silent tears and the endless thoughts you think through to live your duties. Sometimes we don't know how you manage to perform those miracles to keep the family going even in hard times. Yet we expect you to remain resilient and calm as always, even when you are unhappy about issues. We know some of you endure several things and do what you have to do due to home pressures. We know some of you even die due to inadequate self-care or the risky nature of your jobs or habits. We sometimes question your mistakes which were mostly orchestrated by our inconsiderate deeds. We are unaware of how some subtle comparisons of your status with others burden your life. It's quite understandable why some run away from this duty post w...