A Lifetime Activity
Learning is a lifetime activity that's why constant learning is a prerequisite for all. It's possible in our efforts to learn something new today, we may still not know it all. We are sometimes tricked into thinking that our experience gives us knowledgeable and wiser than others. However, it's a mistake to think our world view is the only view everyone should subscribe to. It's erroneous to think that we are the only repository of all knowledge and wisdom. Inasmuch as we are encouraged not to underestimate our worth; And urged never to underrate your abilities, As well never to belittle the efforts of our teachers, collaborators and our caregivers, We have eternal duty to be mindful of these tempting feelings. A good practice is to learn to know ourselves better, acknowledge our limitations, and be humble enough to learn. Another act is to listen more in our interactions and be willing to update our knowledge even as we strive to something new or unlearn what...