
Showing posts from October 29, 2017


It's a subtle concern in the air. It's a core duty staring in our faces. Sometimes the subject is drowned in the busy lake of our challenges. We seem to also sideline or shelve our foremost duty of Care. Perhaps, we can rethink the way we relate to the vulnerable persons in our immediate vicinities. We can try to listen to the silent words these friends are not saying. In fact, in our attempt to ascribe meanings or meddle in the sweet jargons of development, we should endeavour to work together to ensure NOBODY is left Behind in our progress march. The value of living the duty of care is far greater than the challenges or our fear of not caring. In whatever you please remember that somebody out there needs to feel the impact of your care, and they are counting on us not to fail them. We don't require much to care, but refer to God's care for each and every one of us. We only need our collective commitment to care and the Lord your God will do the rest. Thanks f...


They are many names of our forebears, friends and family. Some, we've long locked in the archives of our memories. But fact is that they were here sometime ago. They were part of our story. They walked our talks with frenzy. We may not always like some of their ways but we can't forget them. We can't bloat their effect on our lives, and our progress. They are souls we ought to remember this hour. They are living souls whose deeds we can't erase. Celebrate them if you can but do remember the forgotten ones too. Have a pleasant evening. 🐚🐚🐚👼🏾 #KYB✍🏿®#


With the silent moments of a trustful dawn evaporating, we still look forward to a beautiful day. With a vivacious consciousness, we realise that our energy source is intertwined with a common purpose. This means that everything under the Sun has a purpose. We can also infer that everyone has a reason for living. Every event has a meaning. Every symbol communicates a message. Every word is said to achieve something. Every choice is backed by an interest or intent. Every move is for a purpose. Every encounter or challenge is valuable, because they are precious nuggets of lessons we learn from the process. That every hour of each new day important, let our reasons for doing what we do be humane. Let our actions be good, because every thing we do individually affects us all. We are interlinked and interconnected in several ways. You and I are part of the vital chain of the link. So please be conscious of your moves, words, reasons and actions in life this  new day, because...


Our help is in the name of God who created heaven and earth. Our hope is in the Lord who has brought us this far. Through thick and thin, and through the vagaries of the weather, the tender grace of God still abound.   Rendering our thanksgiving to the Most High for His eternal care, is very appropriate. Singing our gratitude songs to the Almighty is a vital acknowledgment of His magnanimity. Give thanks and praise in ceaseless strings to the good Lord who journeys with us on this walk. May His guiding wings continue to shield us from harm even as He increase our worth and value. May He light our path, inspire us to trust Him more and help us appreciate His goodness to humanity. Have a pleasant evening. 🌚🥀👏🏿🐼 #KYB✍🏿®#