Levels of Commitment
With our many interests and responsibilities in life, there is a great need to commit to the process to make progress. Whether we like it or not our level of commitment will be tested from time to time in any endeavour. Indeed, like the capricious desert, life will constantly test our levels of commitment and concentration on the very things that matter. The tests may come in the forms of temptations, trials, and tribulations or in our peculiar challenges. It could be the litmus to assess our worth, transform and perfect us. It is a fact that our experiences might differ but even though we can't fully comprehend all the happenings, w e have a duty to learn to listen more, learn from our mistakes and keep a positive hope God our Creator. Maybe we should evaluate our commitment each day and reflect on how we are attempting to meet the demands of our hope. Maybe we should assess those commitments that are killing us and robbing us of living throbbing the essence of life. May ...