
Showing posts from November 29, 2015


It's easy to follow the crowd this days. Doing the wrong things everybody does is very appealing, if not too tempting. And being correct might be frustrating and challenging, but try and do the right things. Standing your grounds might appear to be madness to the incorrectly correct ones but be correct. At all times, desire noble deeds and desire to lead noble lives; for the reward of nobility is integrity and abundant blessings. Have a beautiful day. God bless๐ŸŒฒ  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


Every engagement comes with its conditions. Every situation comes with its conditions. Every opportunity also comes with its conditions. You might know some of these conditions, while not knowing others. But sometimes what's boring is the subtle demand to always worship or observe these conditions. It doesn't allow any room for creativity or innovation and makes the worshipers or observers grow rusty over time. Sometimes, we don't need to conform to some of these unhealthy conditions. Sometimes, all we need is a creative charge that allows for increased qualitative progress. Sometimes, we just need to be daring just to do what's reasonably and logically right instead of always following these somewhat inimical conditionalities. Be blessed today with firmer zeal to courageously pursue those budding good ideals to make you great and strong. God bless you.  ๐Ÿ ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


Your wondrous abilities shall be known by all.   Your wonderful talents & gifts shall be known. Your wealth of energy shall be known, not because it's a Wednesday but because the  spirit of God Most Holy lives in you like Daniel. Your wisdom, divine perception and intelligence shall send you places. So keep faith in the Lord, even if you have to die. Keep His holy will to the end and you shall receive the crown of life. Endure through the challenging tides and never cease singing the glory and eternal praise of the Most High. Go out there and do what you have do today, to the glory of your Creator.  ๐Ÿ’  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


Fear not in doing the right things, even if you're the only one doing it. Fear not to faithfully observe good values, even if you're the only one doing it. Fear not to pray consistently to your God, even if others won't pray. Fear not to dream dreams and to follow your dreams, even if others don't understand its depth. Fear not to forgive, even if others won't forgive you. Fear not to trust your instincts and go for what you really want, even if it seems practically impossible. Fear not to leave your comfort zone and take up the challenge to a new level. Fear not to trust God in all your endeavours, not because it is a Thursday but because He first loved you and desires your progress. Fear not to be yourself, and sing the glory and eternal praise of the Most High always. Fear not to step out in the splendour of this new day. Have a terrific day. ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™