
Showing posts from June 10, 2018

Team Spirit

You can do things I cannot do, You can do things others can do better: But together we can do great things if we commit to work together. Teams are everywhere and are largely responsible for progress. In recent time, it appears the subject has been over flogged, perhaps because of its importance. We may even glean the essence of teams of 11 players from 32 countries competing for one trophy in Russia. Fostering team spirit is very critical in our quest to work together for our progress. The value of this team spirit is enhanced by individual commitment and readiness to group effort. In fact, it's the definitive factor that drives innovation, success and make team become champions. In every family, company, organisation, community, society or in any civilization work, great exploits were achieved because of the commitment to work in terms. We may be part of one or two teams, but being mindful of some negative tendencies including disrespect, jealousy, laziness, infighting o...


With high noise levels in our society, The immediate haven for us to find silent spaces within our schedules and observe some quality silence. Sometimes to decipher God's message, we need to remain silent in order to hear what God is telling us. So value the blessing that comes with the quiet breeze. Appreciate the silent moments of life and listen attentively to still voice of God. May your ears be blessed with good news today and may have a blissful weekend. Greetings to you.  #KYB ✍🏿®#


On this journey of needs and wants, interests and likes, love and hate, hunger versus anger, and happiness interacting with mix feelings, as well as expectations and disappointments, patience is a needful quality to adopt. Patience in the amidst challenges is a valuable asset to embrace. Patience in the midst of turbulence is a virtue we must all cultivate. This is because its walks in the company lasting smiles and joy. So keep your peace, remain calm and patient in order to make valuable progress. God bless you Greetings. #KYB ✍🏿®#

Chat with God

In the wilderness of life's mystery, your assurance in the usual twists and turns, curves and circumstances, ups and downs of life is prayer. Yes! Prayer, faith and action are very essential in helping us live through these changing scenes of time. This is because feedbacks from right prayer is always positive. So dear reader, 🙏🏿Pray this hour for your needs and not your wants. 🙏🏿Pray that God will bless and restore the precious things you seek in your life. 🙏🏿Pray for all who have lost hope, faith, and favour or friendship of God. 🙏🏿Pray for those we have forgotten and those who request for our prayers. 🙏🏿Pray for all those who are frustrated, frail and battling for their health or are about to give up on life. 🙏🏿Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit and are exceedingly overburdened with stress. 🙏&#127...

Burden of Risk

To live is to risk dying. To sleep is to risk not waking up. To eat or drink is to risk being choked. To walk is to risk stumbling. To act is to risk making mistakes. To love is to risk being unloved. To hope is to risk being disappointed. To try anything worthwhile is to risk failure. To invent anything is to risk creating new challenges. There are risks in all our engagements, but that doesn't mean we should be risk averse. Risks are not to frighten us from making progress, or heighten our fears to engage in the affairs of life. However, an awareness of these risks, helps us to prepare and position ourselves to live.  It sometimes inform us of the best approach to survive in the unpredictable game of life. So beware of the risks in whatever you do, cultivate the tenacity to contain the risk and keep your focus of living in this space. Sometimes what we have to do is to approach these risks with a balance perspective, in order to manage the burden of living in this s...