Once upon a while, our affable history tutor often reminded us of the need to be measured In our thoughts, and deeds while we walk through the corridors of time. "Remember, as you walk, you are writing you own history," he would usually stress. Indeed, as you may be aware by now, great works never die, and never would their author's memory be erased from sands of time. Good deeds do not only affect us but our children's children. It's a fact that times are hard and some may be prone to cut corners and might be tempted to yield to certain temptations. But be reminded not to give in to the pressures and tension brought by the present circumstances of the world. Be firm and stand resolute to live a humane life and defend the right course wherever we may be. While we pray, plan, and play today; While we stretch, string our thoughts; While we reflect and number our days here; While we eat, drink, laugh, and walk our talk; And while we commit our efforts t...