Fathers of All Ages

How do people describe your father👴🏿? Who do people say he was/is? How would you describe your father👳🏿 and the fathers in your life? We are told some fathers are expert at goal scoring, while others too are active providers, protectors and pacesetters. We are also reminded of some fantastic but absentee fathers who have vacated their post, and those who generously missed the green smiles of our growth. Time and again, we hear of fathers who's gallant toils and tears still stirs us. Truth is that some have long kissed the ghostly ashes of eternity. Some still stand like pillars of discipline and foundation in our lives, while others still inspire fear through their uncompromising postures and fiats. For whatever they were or are to us? For whatever they have been in our lives? One thing is clear, that our Fathers are responsible for something in our lives. They're either directly or indirectly responsible for we being where we're today. We may li...