
Showing posts with the label Our Fathers

To Our Fathers

The challenges of the family today is a reality we cannot run away from. The family as the basic unit of our society needs our care and attention. It's what gives our members their role. So today, we remember the initiators, the seed sowers, the Source, the Nourisher, the Supporter, and the Foundation of our families. There are some absentee fathers we cannot forgive but can we forget those father figures in our lives? Gratitude is still a worthy tribute to pay To the memory of our fathers. It is true we may not always understand, appreciate or even agree with them on some pertinent issues. It's true we hardly see their tears and the consistent efforts they make. But can we forget their sacrifices and the way they encourage us to be keep going and growing? In many respects, we celebrate your worth. We remember you for your sweats and sacrifices. We appreciate you for your commitment to this duty. Your footsteps and footprint is an inspiration that's registere...

Celebrating Our Fathers

The art of hunting and tilling hasn't been easy. The determination to cultivate, plant and even lead is no mean work, let alone to live as a father. We call them Papa or Daddy, friend or Senior, but they are our Fathers in every respect. On this auspicious day, please let's celebrate our fathers wherever they may be. Duly extend my appreciation to them for being part of this vital team that brought us here. Let's celebrate them for the efforts they consistently make to support our stay here. Let's remember whoever played a fatherly role in our lives. Interestingly, there are some fathers we cannot forget or forgive for either their presence or absence. But can we remember them? For those who's shadows we walk under; those who went the extra mile to cater for our wellbeing, please extend my gratitude to them. Please tell them, wherever they may be I am grateful, for through their efforts whether directly or indirectly I have met a great person in you. And f...