
Showing posts from April 1, 2018

Human Progress

In our daily quest to survive and live; and in our attempt to smile in the mile, we still have an eternal duty to realistically reflect on the long term impact of our actions, and reactions on humanity. By considering the common good of our society, we could seek a dignified balance in the pursuit of our interesting dreams and other interests, in order to safeguard our human progress. May God meet you at the point of your need this day a nd bless you abundantly. Do have a blessed Friday. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿🌷 Good morning #KYB ✍🏿®#

Timeless Note

It's refreshing to know people care. It's interesting to know and not even know that someone out there still prays for you. It's humbling and sometimes embarrassing how people value and believe in you even when you're not at your best. It's sometimes invigorating knowing that some people are willing to sacrifice and go the extra mile to ensure we're able to attain our goals or enjoy some comfort. To all those who stoke fire in our dreams, provoked the passion in us and even spent precious time and resources to see us through that phase or project; To the many people who still found reason not to give up on us, but walked with us and offered a helping hand during those barren seasons; we cannot erase or forget your deed. In this calm evening moments, I'd like us to just make time to sincerely thank all these wondrous souls, including those who disliked and deliberately made situations uncomfortable for us. We can't postpone this deed and only reserv...


Examining our motive every day is a necessity. Reviewing our motivation each day is a needful duty. Rethinking our actions is a necessary exercise. Reflecting on our words is a humane thing to do as living souls. Good night🐼 #KYB ✍🏿®#

Friendly Synergies

I wish to tell the wind about a wonderful soul. I wish to whisper a gentle appreciation to you for your efforts today. Thank you for being you. As human beings,  there's a common truth that makes us essentially social beings. That's why we always feel this innermost desire to stay connected and linked up with each other, because it is in our very nature to stay in touch and relate with one another. It is for this reason that we have a duty to not just create a friendly environment, but to cultivate a lively comradeship that celebrates excellence in our diversity. I trust your day went well? God bless your friendly soul. Good evening #KYB ✍🏿®#

Keep Safe

To you children of hope, To you creative courageous people, To you who're burdened with sorrow, ill-health, pain, torture and still struggling to cope, There's a reviving news for you, That God still loves you. So with an empowering grace to witness to the eternal truth of our being, perhaps we have a duty to not only preach peace and reconciliation but to practice the act of being kind and peaceful. It's my prayer that we may extend genuine care to the over 67million people with autism in the world, as well as those on the fringes of our society and the needy. By so doing may God our source of hope and refuge, gladden our hearts, show us the path of life and keep us safe on this pilgrimage. Do have a blissful day. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#

Streams of Joy

On this pilgrimage of our life, we are expected to live. We are required to respire hope, and breath life into our efforts. This is because we are each handed a beautiful task to fulfil here. While thanking God for the gift of Jesus Christ, it's my prayer that his love will radiate in our hearts and touch others. May his ultimate sacrifice inspire courage in us to live to the fullest. May God's grace fill our hearts with genuine concern for one another. With this good news, kindly be receptive to Yahweh's compassion oozing from the oasis of eternal streams of joy. Be blessed as always. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#