It can be a bit complicated understanding our roles in advancing the betterment of our common good. For instance, in the proclamation of the Good News, we know the minor negatives that cast a dark shadow on the whole salvation agenda. We also know that our pacesetters work is complemented by those who water the seed, and care for its growth, until maturity or harvest time. However we look at it, we are all stewards entrusted with wonderful energies, talents and strengths to serve our common good in our various teams. Aside the thorny issue of recognition, and respect of what each member brings on board in the discharge of our roles, the other silent but big issue confronting any team has to do with attribution and reward. But that we are part of that blessed great team, it behooves us to work together to complement each other's work to advance our common good. Good evening.🕸 #KYB ✍🏿 #