To All Our Benefactors

Often time, when we celebrate our mothers and fathers, for their care,  sacrifices and commitment to guiding our way here, we seldom mention their collaborators and those who supported our growth.

Permit me to acknowledge the Traditional Birth Attendants(TBAs), the Midwives, Nurses, Doctors, the Orderlies and the farmers, herbalists and family members through whose support we arrived on earth.

In a special way too, it's important we remember our benefactors and benefactress, as well as our loved ones and friends, who provide with the critical social support for our survival here. Sometimes their invaluable time spent on end just to listen to us is incredible.
In spite of their personal challenges, these persons are still willing to offer a listening ear and would risk being there when you need them most.

Again, there are also the good Samaritans and those who qualify as angels who appear in our lives at the right time and in the right moment, with their support.

So, if some of us are able to smile today, and continue to walk this far, it's because some of you have invested your time, ideas and resources to help us walk this mile with a smile.

Please tell them I am eternally grateful for their deed. God bless you.

#KYB ✍🏿®#


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