Positive Energy

There's power in your thoughts. Your words too have real power. And your tongue by default is also powerful. But it's vital to note that every word or thought you speak carry positive or negative charges. We know how terrible the negative energies in these words have cost us in the past. We know how quarrels, conflicts, and wars, are stoked by the mere uttering of some words. In fact, in the Solomon Islands we are told of how damaging curses or abusive words hurled at trees over a 30–day period could kill the tree. So in living the charge of this day, please let your words promote the positives in our society. Let your words heal, comfort, celebrate, correct, encourage, inspire and fan the positive energy in others. Kindly consecrate your heart with healthy feelings; Sanctify your mind with positive thoughts, And bless your tongue with words that edify and motivate the good in others. God bless your day. Good day #KYB ✍🏿®#