A Friend Out There

Several weeks ago, I meet this friend on my route to a place I often visit. He sits under a thin-shady tree near a Y junction with flower hedges, acting as a sort of shield against the noise from the moving vehicles. Immediately, I saw him my heart went out to him. I felt he needed someone to talk to. So I walked up to him one morning and greeted him. I forced a smile and he returned it with frailness written all over his face. I thought to myself he's hungry and got him some porridge.He thanked me and I wish him well. I felt he urgently needs medical attention but that's another discussion for another day. So that's my friend, who needs water and food to quench his thirst and hunger. This is a friend who wants to smile and walk again. You right to ask where this friend's family members are and why he's abandoned by the roadside. But beyond asking these questions. I feel there's something we can do to help this friend and others around us to feel love. ...