
Showing posts from January 31, 2021

Your Efforts

  We may not all be commissioned, appointed or anointed to do what the Very Important People (V.I.P) do in society. But whether you are a Very Ordinary Person (V.O.P) or nobody in society, you still have a quality and speciality infused in your talents, ideas, energy, skills, knowledge, experiences and all that you are to contribute something to the progress of our well-being.  Even as we make claims to our responsibilities from the duty bearers and those we blame often for systemic failures and ills in our society, may we reflect more on what we can do in our little way to better our lot.  Your positive efforts no matter how insignificant they may be is in high demand today. That is why the onus is on us to still do something worthwhile today while we can, for the good of our future. Have a pleasant evening  Greetings ✨  KYB ✍🏿®02-02-2021.