Positive Affirmation

Usually, fear has a way of dealing with us, just as self doubt, low self-esteem sometimes subtly kill our enthusiasm to create and initiate action. What we think of most of the time, likely manifests in our lives and in the lives of our loves one. However, to guide our thoughts through the challenges, we have a duty to tap into the energy fields of our lives to live our dreams and vision. And an effective way to do this is to repeatedly affirm and reaffirm the things we want registered in our subconscious mind and manifest in our lives. With the right mental attitude in positively telling yourself the things you want to live, you would be creating positive vibration around you that attracts the positives you need to live. For these positive affirmative to flourish, Let's prepare ourselves to sack the negative feelings from within, Let's remember to be grateful for our past experiences, even as we visualise the positive ends we want to reach through our affirmation action....