1. September derives its name from the Latin word “septem,” which means “seven (7). This means September was originally the 7th Month on the Julian calendar. 2. September is the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month (9). 3. The birthstone for September is sapphire, which is often associated with loyalty, truth, and sincerity, and symbolizes wisdom and purity. 4. The birth flowers for September are the aster and morning glory. 5. September is a great time to focus on Self-Improvement. This may include learning a new skill, taking up a new hobby, setting goals for the future, or prioritizing personal growth. 6. September 2 is World Coconut Day. The day established by the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) in 2009 seeks to raise awareness about the importance of the coconut etc. 7. The United States of America, designated September as the National Chicken Month. The Kobine, Awubia, Fetu Afahye, and Homowo are festi...