
Showing posts with the label Your life

You Have Life

It is impossible to prevent all the human experiences that tickle, excite or painfully hurt our emotion. It is probable we may be shaken by some events and experiences, simply because we made of flesh and blood. Sometimes, though we may muster courage or exercise self-control over our emotions, we can't hide how we've been affected by these experiences. We often mask our feelings, discount, discredit or even try to disbelieve the possibilities of these life events. Sometimes we just need to allow the tears to flow freely, get excited, laugh heartily and get angry because we are humans. However, in being yourself, be content with the fact that you still have life and the opportunity to be thankful in all things. A vital sign to also watch out for is your attitude in how you react or express these tendencies. However you do it, please be yourself. God bless your heart and your evening. #KYB ✍🏿®#