
Showing posts with the label Gratitude

From January to December III

From January to January, we've heard intriguing news of the jingles in our smiles. From January to February, the frivolous tales of our begging state and the hiccups in our economy. From January to March, we've matched the transitional tricks of our Master's shadows without questioning much. From January to April, we've argued our approaches to advance the averse averages in our growth. From January to May, we've marveled at God's  mercies on us even in our merciless murky moves. From January to June, we juggled and survived the trauma of needless perennial junctions, jabbing our base. From January to July, we've judged the jumps in our journey of jogging with our limping economy and the possibility of accessing the more bitter IMF's relief peels. From January to August, we've adjusted the distasteful grief in of our creed of greed which still bleeds the blessings in our nation. From January to September, we've stepped and stu...

Countdown to new Beginings

There are names in our families we cannot forget. There are interesting characters in the family we still remember. There are those who hold the emblem of the family values. And there are the ever-present mischievous fellows who never cease to amaze the unit. After some hiccups, the resident peace makers never cease to promote reconciliation. There are the slow but sure, as well as the lively fellows. Likewise, there are the favourite singers, and the darling ones. Some are no-nonsense, straight forward in saying it as it is. However you describe them and whatever views are they all mix of the blessings we have in the family. With them we smile in the mile. With their support we live to walk the talk. We argue, laugh, and share fond memories with them. Since we all belong to families, and bear their valuable imprints It's only honourable to acknowledge your family. In the countdown to a new begining, Kindly extend my felicitation to your family members. ...

You Have a Testimony

You have a testimony of gratitude to share. You have a story of hope to share this day. You have a reason to live in this new season. You have a responsibility to excel in this day. And it is my wish you have a beautiful day filled with positive energy. Greetings t o you. ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ27/02/2024

From January to December

From January to January, we've heard intriguing news of the jingles in our smiles. From January to February, we've heard frivolous tales of our begging state. From January to March, we've matched the transitional tricks of our Master's shadows. From January to April, we've argued our approaches to advance the averse averages in our areas. From January to May, we've marveled at God's marvelous mercies on our merciless murky moves. From January to June, we juggled and survived the trauma of needless perennial junctions of survival. From January to July, we've judged the jumpstart in our journey of jogging with our limping economy and the possibility of accessing the b itter I MF's relief. From January to August, we've adjusted the distasteful grief in our creed of greed which still bleeds the blessings in our nation. From January to September, we've stepped and stumbled on the sages and stems of a sticky flood that stoked ou...

The Mile of May

With meek evenings like this one, We may recall Marvelous moments of the month; We may reminisce Miraculous things in our minds; Or we may still remember the Mournful missives of a matriarch mother. When May moves into the market of months, Many mimic the music of some musicians, To make merry of our Mothers, who mothered us, And to mint the gratitude of the multitude. Yet in the mile of May, we met many May markers; While minimizing the major noise machines in May. But in between the mild makeshift moments of May; And between the modest margins of our measures; The main market maneuvers in May were marked. Maybe it's not just a month of methods; Maybe it's not just a matter of miles; Maybe it's not just a member's memory. Maybe we should mark our Maker's magnanimity, By mirroring the magnificence of this memorable May. With these many millions of marching minutes, I trust you had a memorable May. May it be well with you and your famil...

Gratitude to Our Mothers

To our distinguished and dearest Moms, To our first teachers and ever-present counselors, To our consistent charismatic and prayerful partners, To our wonderful mothers who transitioned too soon, To our mothers who transmitted lasting values to us, To our mothers who never gave up on us and still find a reason to encourage us, To our mothers who stepped into our father's role, And to our fighting partners who disciplined and offered useful criticism to improve our lives. To the timeless memories of the unique moments locked in the confines of our tender hearts, How can we forget to celebrate and THANK our Mothers enough?  For all the countless moments we shared; For all the care and attention you gave us; and For all the sumptuous meals you cooked for us; For your sense of urgency and concern for us; For your dutiful roles, we salute and celebrate you. We are grateful for your role, your deeds, and your immeasurable contribution to our growth. Thank you...

Sometime in April

Sometime in April, we activated love. Sometime in April, we anticipated quality rains. Sometime in April, we recharged our hopes. Sometime in April, we invoked the mores of Care. Sometime in April, we remembered our resolutions, with Easterly and Eidly feasts of new beginnings. Sometime in April, we revisited the report of our earth's future even as we reflect on the dangers of our waterbodies. Sometime in April, we questioned the essence of our liberty. Yes, it was in April we reassessed the Alpha approach, Yes, it was in April we remembered Afrika's invocation. Yes, it was in April the guns in Sundan just like the unending Russia Ukraine conflict started. And Yes, it was in April we recounted the blessings of the Most High despite our many Afflictions. Oh! Yes! Some time! Yes! Sometime in April, we remembered our duty to still render GRATITUDE to the benevolent God who blessed us with this month. Sending you warm Sunday blessings. Greetings ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ...

In the 100th Day

All too soon, the 100th day of January is here. With mixed feelings and mixed blessings, we live. There were difficult goodbyes we said in the sunshine and sunsets of this month.  But with sentiments of the new beginnings, our GRATITUDE to the Most High still stands.  And with convincing clarity be assured that IT'S WELL. So wherever YOU are, however you FEEL, whatever your STORY may be, know that YOU'RE not ALONE. Sending you thoughts of affection and best wishes to YOU and all your LOVED ones. Thanks for being there. May your day be blessed with abundance. Good morning ๐Ÿ’ž. ©KYB✍๐Ÿฟ31/01/23

Gratitude in our Attitude

It is sobering to realise how people affect  lives. And like Albert Einstein we must realise that we are what we are based on the labours of others who may be living or dead. We are therefore indebted to our parents for bringing us into the world. We are indebted to the Traditional Birth Attendants, Herbalists, Nurses, Doctors orderlies, aids among others who played a critical part in making our arrival here safe. We are also in debted to all our parents, friends, teachers, priests, imams, and other mentors who taught, intructed, inspired and helped us understand certain qualities of strong character and about the essence of life. The list is endless but the intent to acknowledge the most high and people for being what they were or are to us the better it is for us to serve each other and be good to others. Stay blessed. Greetings. ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ25/06/21

With Gratitude

For the nights that turned into mornings,  For the friends who are now family,  For the dreams that turned into reality, For the challenges that turned into blessings, For detours that turned in opportunities for growth, For the terrible news, that turned into good news, The Author of life deserves, gratitude. Be blessed abundantly.  Greetings  ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ14/12/2020

Another October

O-pen wide the gates of opportunities and  blessings on your people Yahweh!  C-reate a creative certitude in our hearts to challenge us to care more for ourselves and others.  T-ransmit your abundant grace to sustain a willingness to be true to ourselves. O-ccupy our thoughts with lasting worthy opinions.  B-righten, Yahweh the smiles of your people  with blissful moments of blessings.  E-levate our hopes to make new gains in this new month, Yahweh, and kindly  R-emember O! good Lord to renew, and rekindle our resolve to live in the warmth of another October. AMEN  Remain blessed Greetings. ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ1/10/2020

A Beautiful Glow

A golden sun glowed again. The sparkling beams filters through. The delight of seeing life greets our hopes. It is indeed a privilege to live this gift. It is a blessing to experience this sunshine. So let's sing our gratitude by appreciating this gift of life with our deeds. May your day be blessed.  Stay safe. Greetings ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ30/7/2020

Be Grateful for Every Day

Be grateful for everything in life. Be thankful for the people in your life. Be appreciative of the little things in life.  Sometimes the people in your spaces are rare to come. Some opportunities are hard to come by again. Other times precious moments are missed. Somehow we learn from our mistakes to improve upon our lives. A time comes for us to climb up and to climb down. Life in this phases, presents us with opportunities to be served and to serve others. As no position or circumstances us permanent, maybe we should be mindful of how we discharge our duties.  Maybe we should be interested in how we would like to be treated and learn how to treat others. Maybe we should be generous with our gratitude and never take the gift of a day or a helping hand for granted. In a realistic sense we owe it duty to be grateful for the gift of every day. Remain blessed as always. Greetings ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ22/11/20


Your prayers, kind wishes, calls, and messages helped made this Day of Remembrance a memorable one. Since mine is a people's story weaved together by your efforts and deeds, I cannot but pray Yahweh to richly bless you. Gratitude is indeed not enough to express my appreciation to the Most High for the gift of life and for your support on this pilgrimage. I appreciate the special roles you played from time to time that helped me come this far. Thank you for being part of this wondrous journey. Thank you for remembering this young boy. Be blessed abundantly. Thank you.👏🏿 Sincerely me. ©KYB ✍🏿11/11/19

Novena at Noon

Proper names of nouns nailed necessary Notes, On Notices of news in Natures' Newspapers, But when the nine neurons neared the noon sea, It cast a long nostalgic naughty net on the November sky again . And again a novena at noon sang the never ending notes of gratitude to all. So this novena remembers the tenacity of souls on arrival on this pilgrimage. It remembers the delight in the names of infants. It remembers the many dribbling stories of days. The noon novena was peaceful and beautiful. It was a serene and yet shrouded in mystery. It was a mix blessing conditions pieced together with many anecdotes of different disciplines. The novel novena captures the rough sails under the patronage of many captains. Their drills of discipline paid off in a many ways. So today if we have survived the vagaries of the weather; If we can still live the love of yesteryear, With little or no supervision to climb high, Then those involved in these engagements,  deserve our due re...

A Grain of Gratitude

There are those who were here before us. There are those people on whose shoulders we climbed on or ride on to look into the future. It's possible we still walk under the shadow of their magnanimity or effect. Today, I remember in a special way our parents, grandparents, the traditional birth attendants, midwives, and everyone who ensured our safe arrival here. Can we recall our aunties, uncles, siblings, and neighbours or anyone who supported our parents to care for us when we were kids? Can we also recount the experiences we had with our teachers, mentors, and those who even went the extra mile for us? To the various caregivers and everyone who spotted the qualities in us and decided to support in a way, you are not forgotten. In the spaces of our linkages expressed in the dynamic ships of our bonds and in our various communities, the individuals involved deserve our gratitude. To those silent special individuals, (often known and unknown to us), who constantly pray for u...


When being alive means more to you than personal security; When love is more than money and the blissful cheers; When your freedom is more than ethnic or partisan allegiance; When being alive means listening to the natural rhythms of nature which breathes through your life; When your thinking is in harmony with your feelings; When you are guided by the worthy thoughts of great sages and the good Holy Spirit; When you're at peace with yourself, and able to conquer the conflicting urges within; When you're able to disarm those mischievous tendencies and sack the temptation to cheer the misfortune of your perceived enemies; When you pay particular attention to the silent needs of your soul and those of others; When truth inspire you to live, repel and dispel negative shades; When you are able to communicate and connect to the very core of our humanity; When you're able to look beyond your shortcomings, challenges and unique difficulties, and appreciate God for...


Your effort might not always be recognised in a day. Your success might seem you've had a rosy sail in life. And the vile critics and gossips may only be interested in exploiting your weaknesses, little mistakes or principled position. But in all this, please remain calm and relax with the evening tide. In fact, this is to just celebrate your contribution to human progress and acknowledge all your sacrifices. Thank you in a special way for your daily effort to live. Take care. Good evening 🌚 #KYB ✍🏿®#


As sojourners on this earth, we are reminded daily of our eternal duty to live meaningful lives. To do this, we are required to be attentive to what we do and be ever mindful of our eternal goal. In your dealings this day, and while conferring with your life manual, please be focused on the ultimate expression of life, which is simplified in your duty to love and care. With the gift of each day, may we receive with gratitude God's blessings for us this day. And in the count of every second, please tell God of our appreciation. To the Most High God, let our lips never cease proclaiming His praise. May your day be blessed and do have a great day. TGIF. Good morning to you #KYB ✍🏿®#


For no tangible reason that Wednesday, the lazy side in me felt school was boring and so yours sincerely just decided not to go. The plea and persuasion by my first teacher to go to school fell on deaf ears. So she surprised me, by giving me some tolerable spanks that got me going. There were several of those morning laziness that was properly dealt with then, and my gratitude to the teacher is eternal. The sense of responsibility, discipline, respect and care these teachers taught us is commendable. There are teachers we encounter daily, through many instances, and at different places and stages of our lives. God the Almighty as the greatest teacher Himself has through nature and Providence taught us many things. He has also inspired and qualified teachers in our lives. Some are our Teachers, Tutors, Masters, Lectures, Catechists, Godmothers, Godfathers,  Supervisors, Colleagues, Subordinates, Parents, Prophets, Preachers, Mentors, Authors and almost everyone. The encounter...