
Showing posts with the label Humble Service


In sharing the gift of this new day with the greater human family, may we duly remember every man in our prayers. May we remember our leaders at every level of our society in our supplications, that they may overcome their shortcomings, sacrifice their greed and work to enhance the common good. In thanking God for our lives, let's remember those in authority, that they may not turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the marginalised, but be humble and courageous in their dedication and devotion to promote the dignity of every one by ensuring equitable development. Dear Lord, kindly help our Leaders Not to Leave Anyone Behind in their quest to ensure quality development to the people. Be pleased Yahweh to rekindle our hope to offer authentic service, even as you shower yet another blessings on us. Good morning #KYB✍®#


We are invited daily to serve one another. We are mandated each day to offer true service for progress. We are required each day to live exemplary lifestyle to inspire true service. In fact, it is our noblest duty to offer true service to each other in this world. It is in our trait to offer humble service for the common good of man. And like Jesus Christ who stooped low to wash the feet of his 12 Apostles, (John13:12-15), we are required to step outside the clout of our statuses to do something unique to others who cannot pay us. We are required to also learn from this unique example, be willing to serve one another in a special way. For by so doing we demonstrate greatness, and not the limiting complex feeling surrounding our thoughts, when we try washing the feet of others. May God transform us to be humble and willing to serve each other for the greater glory of He who sent us on this living mission. Remain Blessed.