Reflection on Transitions

The experience of growing up in the village and tasting the city life offers one varied views on life. Many of us might have experienced the transitions and the bliss that comes with it. But as we live in interesting times of challenges and controversies, it is good to think through some of our actions and approaches. As dynamic as our cultures and society maybe, I am convinced that for far too long we have inherited foreign forms of development, lifestyle dressing, eating habits, economic, health, religion, governance, and education systems as well as our value system without necessarily marrying it to our traditional ones. In spite of their merits, we are aware of the heavy toll these developments have had on the vitality of our own ways, of our identity and of our self-confidence, and self-worth. I am very much aware some may disagree with these suppositions, but I am equally convinced that to make meaningful progress as a people, we must rediscover our valu...