In our interaction with each other, there's this basic need for attention, that we all seek. Embedded in this attentive need, is a conscious requirement for care. Yes! Care for yourself, Care for others, Care for the needy, the marginalised and vulnerable, Care for our environment, as well as Care for little little things of life. Beside needing the service of critical care in our hospitals, emergency centres, or hospices, we also require the subtle assurance of its constant provision. However it's disheartening to know how many people are dying because they lack this essential ingredient of life. It's worrying to know those suffering because someone didn't care. It hurts to see how terrible people lives deteriorate due to the fact that our support systems are defective in providing basic care. So do take care of yourself. I mean please take care of yourself and do extend care to those most in need. They are not had to find. Some are around your abode or arou...