Essential Calls

Once upon a while, a call came through; It was a personal call to be humane; Then the peoples call to be present came; Over the years, we might have had peculiar calls to either continue to concerntrate and control our egos. We have had a peoples call to fight one. Some were precarious calls not to give up. Several were those practical calls for us to prepare and pay attention on this paths. Somehow the phony calls fell through; Other times the perceptive calls came; Yet, there were those persistent calls; Boosting the tempo of the progressive natural calls. Sometimes the powerful calls to solve our problems or push for our positions rings. Other times the probable penitent calls sinks. We might even hear of the patient and peaceful calls interacting with political and populist calls. While the priceless providential calls to be proactive reigns, that positivist precautionary call to prayer still falls through. To plan to prepare to placate to preserve and to promot...