What If Tomorrow Never Comes?

Like a sunrise, we too rise to respond to the duty of life. And as sunsets, we either retire from our roles or return to our rooms and roots. It's a fact that in between sunrise and sunset or daytime and nighttime a lot of things happen. Sometimes the burden of our worries, struggles and lamentations often diminish the reality that life itself is a gift. Somehow, we forget to appreciate the little blessings in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Many a time, we take for granted the fact that we are part of the same humanity and that our actions and inactions affect others. We fight each other and disturb the sanity of others just because our interest is not being served. We sometimes go to every length to bring down others because they don't belong to our camp. We often peddle half-truths about others and deploy wicked machinations to hurt or kill the dreams of others. We occasionally cheer up those squandering our fortune and goodwill and crucify t...