
Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Filial Care

Some say it is an indispensable requirement for our survival. Others think it's the subtle value that knits humanity together. It can be traced to the core of our DNA. Is a reality that lives in the details of our composition. Filial care for one another accompanied by a deep sense of appreciation for the gift of life. Thank you for your efforts this day. God bless you. #KYB ✍🏿®#

Alternative Considerations

Consider all the great moments in your life. Take into account all the little details that matter to you and others. Sometimes you might not know how hard it was and how long it took for that cheerful person to wear that look or rebuild their little universe of peace and happiness. Perhaps if we consider all the little things other people go through before they walk, we would understand why some people act and behave the way they do. May God bless our hearts and our minds to consider the alternative details. Have a blissful Friday. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#


Life is an interesting enterprise and a mystery. Some things happen and we wonder why they even happen. But in all your endeavours, I pray you never get bored of life. I pray you never get tired of your efforts to be your best. I pray you never stop loving yourself  and being yourself. I pray you don't lose your locus or focus in the affairs of life. I pray you never succumb to external pressure and lose your internal steam to keep going. I pray you never forget your values and your true worth in life. I pray you never stop dreaming and living them. Brace yourself, for very soon you shall surmount those hurdles. Just keep a calm composure,  and concentrate on building your capacity to be that champion. God bless you. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#

New Currency

Emotions are part of what makes us human. It's often a spontaneous feeling that elicits an awesome action from the depths of our hearts. Sometimes, it's irrational, but other times it's understandably necessary. It's an art of being alert and weighing the effects of acts, words, actions or reactions, and responding appropriately to issues. A good understanding of the advantages and subtle drawbacks of particular emotions is a vital thing we must learn this day. Whatever the level of our emotions and our tendency to act or react emotionally, we are obliged to control them and maintain a good balance of these emotional effects or defects on our lives and live. Often, a mastery of our emotions is a valuable quality to keep in demonstrating a level of maturity in knowing how, when and where to speak, act or react to developments that teases, provokes and sometimes annoys our happiness. In moments of unpleasant surprises, kindly apply a good dose of tact and intelligen...


There are special memories we love  to hate and hate to love. We sometimes laugh remembering the days we cried, and cry reflecting on those days we laughed. Though that's the way life goes, we need a rich ambiance of grace to navigate on this pilgrimage. Do have a pleasant evening. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#


There are special memories we love  to hate and hate to love. We sometimes laugh remembering the days we cried, and cry reflecting on those days we laughed. Though that's the way life goes, we need a rich ambiance of grace to navigate on this pilgrimage. Do have a pleasant evening. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#

People Matter:You Matter

Your capacity to live, hinges on the support and cooperation of others. Therefore a deep recognition and respect of our relationship with others is a vital prerequisite for our survival. It's my hope that in all our endeavours, we will strive to cultivate a sense of compassion in our connection to each other this day. This is essential because there were a kind of people who welcomed you here at your birth; you will be learning from people, living with, talking and walking with them, and it's some of these same people who'll be around to bid you farewell someday. Yes, people matter: the same way you matter, so take care of your relationships. God bless your day Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#

Enthusiastic Frame

There are many shades of love that mimics the unadulterated one. But the best love to have is the one that awakens the soul within; makes us hungry enough to seek our true identity, and that which plants an enthusiastic passion in our hearts. It's that merciful love that still kindles our hope and inspires our quest to live. So please be in tune with grace and the divine intentions of your creator. Be blessed abundantly. Greetings 🍓 #KYB ✍🏿®#