Some Sutble Life Rules

Observe what is right and good. Strive to do what is just and appropriate. Act conscientiously and be kind. Live every moment to the fullest and be yourself. In your dealings with people be fair even to your enemies. Always maintain your composure when you experience life's challenges. Pay attention to the little things of life, but don't succumb to the negative vibes. Keep a humble deposition and always show gratitude for the gift of life and whoever supports you. Never discourage or look down on whoever is always making an effort in life. Though not easy, strive to be different by valuing your relationship because people are people because of people. Above all, take care and be at peace with yourself, others and the most High. I mean do accord respect to others, appreciate the environment and revere your God. I still wish you well in your endeavours. May it be well with you. Good day. Stay safe ©KYB ✍πΏ16/12/21