
Showing posts from September 27, 2020

Another October

O-pen wide the gates of opportunities and  blessings on your people Yahweh!  C-reate a creative certitude in our hearts to challenge us to care more for ourselves and others.  T-ransmit your abundant grace to sustain a willingness to be true to ourselves. O-ccupy our thoughts with lasting worthy opinions.  B-righten, Yahweh the smiles of your people  with blissful moments of blessings.  E-levate our hopes to make new gains in this new month, Yahweh, and kindly  R-emember O! good Lord to renew, and rekindle our resolve to live in the warmth of another October. AMEN  Remain blessed Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿1/10/2020

Consistent Practice

Time and again, we are encouraged to keep practising and working on ourselves in order to improve and become better. Sometimes our determination to continue diminishes with time and attacks our momentum. However, for us to live and survive, we have a duty to improve our lives and daily efforts.   Indeed, our commitment to practice our values, skills and excellence does not only perfect our ways but makes us better masters of our acts.  And we must understand that whether good or bad the more we think and allow these thoughts to influence us the more we become creatures of our imaginations, practise and habits.  May we endeavour to become better citizens in our dealings this day. Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿30/09/2020

Blissful Touch

With blessings anew this day, Permit yourself to flow along with the flow, Allow it to touch your beautiful hopes. Let it caress your wonderful dreams; And guide your feet to new possibilities. Embrace the opportunities, privileges and experiences infused in your daily encounters. Flow along with the flow and fetch the fruits of peace, stability, love and honestly from the basket of life. I wish you well in your endeavours.  God bless. Stay Safe.  Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿28/09/2020