
Showing posts with the label Dreams

Lest we forget

To nurse our dreams, we need a positive mindset. To live our worth, we need to value the quality of our unique experiences. To keep a steady progress, we need to respect the lines and know the fact that time is not our friend. May God grant you an open mind to know Him; a heart to understand your worth and that of others; and the courage to live life to its fullest. May He grant us patience to listen to the salient rhythms and the temerity to be honest in our conduct this day. May your week be blessed. ☘ #KYB ✍®#


So the harmattan is being accused of suffocating the growth of green cash in our pockets. From the market square we've heard the sentiments and complaints about the seemingly cashless seasonal Christian celebration.  But  Van Jones poignantly notes in a discourse that "Dr. King didn't get famous giving a speech that said,"I have a complaint." It's time for us to start dreaming again and invite the country to dream with us. We don't  have any 'throw away' species, nations, or children. We must birth a global green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty". This call is key to restore a new perspective to our progress. Have a beautiful evening and a unique transformative dream. Greetings. #KYB✍🏿 ®#


Living dreams chasing living souls in an interesting living heart. I want to penetrate to the heart and soul of that dream and perhaps reach the one who ordained them... It is a revolutionary omen for those who can take the test of life. It is a quest we must take to the next level. Even as 2016 beckons in the walkways of time, may we take our dreams seriously and plant our feet on the pedal of progress to accelerate our efforts to live in the newness and beauty of these wondrous gifts of time. Let us keep dreaming good dreams. Let us keep refining these good dreams in our hearts. Let us keep trying the strategies our dreams evokes. Let us keep living in the sunshine Divine Hope imbues in our dreams. Let us keep embracing the inspiration our dreams respires to do great things. May God bless our daily efforts. Be blessed