Tasteless Tears

How many lives must we allow to waste? How many more deaths must we permit? How many more disabilities must we suffer? How many talents must we truncate? How many women must we allow to perish in the process of giving life? How many men must we allow to just die? How many young men and women must we permit to just waste? How many babies or fetus' are we still willing to terminate? How many precious beings are we willing to sacrifice through our systemic failures? How many of these loses must we continue to tolerate? Are we ignoring the urgent need for proper care? Are we neglecting this duty of availing this care? Are we over monetizing access to quality healthcare? So what happened to our value of care? What happened to our purported sense of hospitality? What happened to our religious and traditional norms that preserve life? And why are these deaths recurring? Why have these systemic failures persisted? Why are these systemic lapses allowed to fester...