Study the Patterns

Is it true that what we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognised? Is it possible that what we call random are just patterns we can't decipher? Could it be that what we can't understand we call nonsense? Could it be that what we can't read we call gibberish? Is it the fact that history repeats itself with different characters in similar patterns? To transcend, translate and understand or get clearer meanings, we often seek patterns in our lives, in situations or happening or stories. In our quest to answer certain questions, we usually get beyond ourselves, to investigate the trends and threads of events in order to forecast. In fact, there are no doubt patterns emerge in one's life, which revolves around an endless variation of themes. There are patterns in our behaviours, and in the structure or order of things. There are patterns in the various paths we ply on this plane and in our parts or profession. Thus, to awaken our conscious mind today, p...