Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why do you do what you do daily? What stirs you to do what you do? Are there reasons beyond monetary gain or material reward? You are witnesses to the enormous pressures, uncertainties and disruptions, with the intolerant altercations jeering at us in recent times. You might have seen or heard about the insolent treaties of pockets of violence within and without our borders. With all the possible variables in this inquest, we cannot ignore these crucial push and pull factors and pretend all is well. We cannot hide behind the glory of being an oasis of peace and only pray for the situation to get better. However obscure, obvious or subjective our motivation, passion and the reasons for which we do the things we do, they are no doubt anchored on some values. Inspite of the various layers of our complexities, the subject of revisiting the subject of values keep coming up in various quarters. Today, it's not out of place to purge ourselves of our excesses and r...