Pillow Conversation

Pillow Conversation You've seen the bliss and yet kept quiet, You've heard delightful gossip of smiles, You've witnessed the sentence of some dreams, Your ears are filled with meditation and prayers. When tough times come, you cuddle our tears, When raging storm blows, it is you we confide in. We offset tumbling questions in our snoring gaps, On your delicate ears, and yet you keep your cool. Besides bearing with some stubborn snores, Our pillows are therapeutic loyal rest mates, Still cushioning our light-heavy heads with duty. Through the long-short nights and short-long days, With a dreamy and dreamless rest, The pillows are like that faithful servant always at the post. They become playthings with friends tossing them, And a consoling partner during lonely nights. Yet they remain silently simple in their resting places. Whether it's pillow talk, pillow gossip, pillow secret or pillow conversation, it is worth appreciating our pillows. ...