When is the END?

Where is the end? When is the end time? Who controls this end time? Why should there be an end time? How long are we from the end time? Are we in the end times? Although, I am still trying to figure out the answers to these questions, I still want to thank you for the part you play in this space and time. It is a fact that we won't be here forever, And that we will one day vacate this space, but please permit me to acknowledge your efforts here. You are still valuable in many respects that you may not know. Please never forget this truth that your somebody someone still cares for. Never forget where you are coming from and all the experiences you've acquired all these years. Never forget your humble beginnings, even as you travel along the path of this day. Never forget about those who cared for you in those uneasy times. Never forget the little values you learn from home. And please remember to live and enjoy every moment of this day. Stay blessed. Good morni...