What do we value in life? Does it agree with our collective social value system? Is it that our individual interest is strangling our social interest? Could it be that our love for money is making us ignore right actions? What can we do collectively to improve and serve our common good better? What's happening to our moral conscience as a people? It appears individualism and its siblings greed, selfishness, indiscipline and inaction is gradually eating us up. We are killing ourselves through our lousy pretence, subtle insincerity and the benign negligence of our institutions. There's something fundamentally wrong which we have to fix. This cannot be business as usual. We must act decisively and in the interest of our people. While thinking through these lines, please do take care of yourself and those entrusted to your care. Please don't hesitate to project the good in others and correct the ills in their actions or inactions. We can do something unique today if w...