Several years ago, a friend of mine lived near the Control Market area at Dansoman. The name might have been given to the place during the Price Control era imposed by the PNDC government in the 80s. We were just three friends, with the other young lad residing at Sahara, while yours sincerely lived at Sahara Down, all suburbs of Dansoman, Accra. We have since the late 90s been good friends, who tried controlling, cajoling, complimenting and criticising ourselves in a way. We argued, played, talked, traded gossips, and visited each other. But in all we subtly influenced each other in a way, either in our attitudes or in some shared values from our unique backgrounds. It is so with us all. In fact, in all we do from our homes, offices, social gatherings, political groupings, professional associations, economic activities, religious fellowship and in virtually what we do, we try to control or influence each other in away. In our individual lives too, we have certain peculiar co...