Great Sacrifices

Nothing comes easy in life. Nothing is absolutely free in this world. It is a fact that every accomplishment in life comes at a cost. Indeed, history is replete with great sacrifices men made in order to fulfill a destined mission. Sometimes the harrowing tales of these sacrifices can be discouraging and deterring. Nevertheless, an appreciation of the crown of Christ redirects us to reflect on the Cross he carried. As a people, we are the ones to carry our own crosses in order to attain the crowns we seek. It's therefore imperative for us to reflect on the worthy sacrifices we have to make in the past and present. It's necessary for us to contemplate on sacrifices we are even making as individuals, families, and society during this COVID-19 era so that we can contain the spread, manage the cases, address the uneasiness and prepare for the future. Without the Good Friday, there wouldn't be any Easter celebration for Christendom. This also means that in every...