Missive Smile

She's about one and a half year old, bubbling with life and excited about her ability to walk. She gently raised her head to looked at me and smiled. Yes, she did it again but this time playfully. It was a lovely smile clothed with innocence and many questions. It was a cheerful and promising smile, pregnant with many issues. I involuntarily returned her smile with a broader encouraging one. I was momentarily excited by that act, but that wordless encounter with the girl left me wondering. Yes, it did. There's this feeling that got me thinking after our brief encounter. In this missive smile, I thought to myself what are we supposed to do in order not to fail these young ones. With this passive smile, I felt the need to share this piece. By the way, how are your children; our future leaders? How are our children; our future hope faring? How well are we preparing or forming them to face the future? How holistic is our approach as a nation to give them ...