Pronounced Complexities
Life is simple, yet complex. However, one thing that makes these complexities pronounced is our inability to understand the deepest cravings of man. Some say it's the yearning for appreciation, while others think recognition is that elusive big elephant. But come to think of it, the very underpinnings of human nature is the craving for Respect and authentic Care, which is condensed in the act of love. Brewed in many societies, under several religio-cultural constructs for years, the care giving and love are the necessary ingredients that sustains our humanity. No matter our level of accomplishment, we cannot deny the fact that we are where we are because of people's effort. So in our peaceful moment of rest, let's remember to show a little care and concern for people in our lives. You'll be amazed by the impact you'll be making in someone's life. Indeed, though life is complex, it can be made simple through the care and concern we show for the people in...