
Showing posts with the label Shaping the Future

Ahekoo to Our Modern Linguists

Is there something you desire to tell someone today? Do you have a concern, intent, idea, or juicy news to share? Or do you have a pressing need to examine, explore or expose something that affects our common good? Our quest to share, speak or send a message or two to others is vital to our survival. And to perform this, society designated this function to the modern linguists who mediate and manage the information we read in our tabloids, hear on our radio sets, and see on our Television or the internet and even our smartphones. The relevance of the Media's work in informing, educating, entertaining, advocating, and invigorating us to take responsible actions toward our development cannot be overlooked.  As the people blessed with the presence and skill to pen the first draft of our history, it is instructive to note that their work has a greater influence on a people's mindset as well as on our common future. While commending our Media practitioners, trainer...