
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

In these Truths

We were taught several years ago to speak the truth always. We were told not to lie but to be honest and eschew every falsehood. It worked for me then or should say I obeyed, perhaps because of the stammering defect with a slower speech rate manifesting in me. But I listened more. Growing up, however, we learned subtly and sometimes through the hard way that not all truths should be told'. I mean you are constantly reminded that some truths are better left unspoken or it is not always necessary to repeat something even though it is true. It might be because of some of these truths that's why we have some oath of secrecy being sworn by the very people we trust to take care of us. But come to think of it, why on earth would those we trust with huge responsibilities take the oath of secrecy? Are there some secret truths that we are not allowed to know? And are these oaths supposed to prevent us from knowing the REAL truth? Then what becomes of the oaths they make to us, t...

Arrivals & Departures

The affection in arrivals is expressed by some delightful hugs and excitement in seeing each other dotted with some storylines and jokes of old. We see shy, silent or loud tears accentuating moments of departures too. It is not difficult to locate vital notes in the arrival or departure halls at the airport, seaports, at the train stations, lorry stations or even in the maternity or mortuary wards. But in the different phases and intricate paths of this journey, It's a fact, that one's arrival here today means their departure from another scene. Essentially, in our departure from our rest stops from the night, we have arrived again in this plane of another day. And in between our movements and maneuvers, and through these transitions of our transmission, let's be mindful of what we do in the space between our entry and exit of this day. Sometimes the temptation to give in to our greedy creeds is what is leading us to deadly ends. Our inability to predict the happen...