
Showing posts from March 20, 2016


It is common to hear kids crucify the names of people when they start speaking. But over time they change by after learning or perfecting the art of rolling their tongues well. We equally mispronounce certain words daily and abuse the meanings in people's behaviour, and we somehow learn and change. We are replete with complaints in bearing our crosses, when we still crucify the countenance in Christ's salvation. We often crucify the truth in many situation in order to save the disgraceful face of deceit and lies.  Sometimes we just need crucify  our old sinful selves with Christ. We need to crucify the ills in our hearts and turn on a new leave. May our lives be transformed with the Risen Lord. May the light of the newness of His Resurrection, inspire us to live peacefully. May this joy inspire a renewed hope of abundance in every aspect of our lives. May the blessing of Easter refresh us all in a special way. Remain blessed. 🙏 🏿 ‪ #‎KYB ✍ 🏿#


We are invited daily to serve one another. We are mandated each day to offer true service for progress. We are required each day to live exemplary lifestyle to inspire true service. In fact, it is our noblest duty to offer true service to each other in this world. It is in our trait to offer humble service for the common good of man. And like Jesus Christ who stooped low to wash the feet of his 12 Apostles, (John13:12-15), we are required to step outside the clout of our statuses to do something unique to others who cannot pay us. We are required to also learn from this unique example, be willing to serve one another in a special way. For by so doing we demonstrate greatness, and not the limiting complex feeling surrounding our thoughts, when we try washing the feet of others. May God transform us to be humble and willing to serve each other for the greater glory of He who sent us on this living mission. Remain Blessed. 


There are several schemes out there. There are many uncharitable efforts that do not favour us.  There are numerous intriguing news of fear and panic in the air. But fear not and don't panic;  Instead take care of yourself today. Take care of your thoughts and actions. Take care of your friends and others around you. Take care of what you hear from your inner self. Take care of your intuitions and act on them appropriately. Take care of your personal security and those of others under your care. While we watch and pray; While we seek to do God's will; While we shine our eyes and stay alert, May God bless us and protect us this day.  KYB signs


Several years ago, a friend of mine lived near the Control Market area at Dansoman. The name might have been given to the place during the Price Control era imposed by the PNDC government in the 80s. We were just three friends, with the other young lad residing at Sahara, while yours sincerely lived at Sahara Down, all suburbs of Dansoman, Accra. We have since the late 90s been good friends, who tried controlling, cajoling, complimenting and criticising ourselves in a way. We argued, played, talked, traded gossips, and visited each other. But in all we subtly influenced each other in a way, either in our attitudes or in some shared values from our unique backgrounds. It is so with us all. In fact, in all we do from our homes, offices, social gatherings, political groupings, professional associations, economic activities, religious fellowship and in virtually what we do, we try to control or influence each other in away. In our individual lives too, we have certain peculiar co...


Which path are you walking on? Which path are you following? There are several paths to life, And there are many ways to live. There are many values we live by, And there are processes we follow daily. It is true the paths we follow leads us somewhere, Though some of them leads to a dead end. That we are a blessed people, That we are a unique people, We are required to follow the path that leads to Life. The Path of eternal Life is before you. So as we live in the sunshine of this new day, As we walk in the light of the new day, May we walk in the beams of hope and in the light of life. In all let's remember God's Will even as we struggle to live this day. Good day.


🙏 🏿 We very often hear public will, political will, personal will and popular will. But beyond these varied wills is God's Will which is the ultimate one we are required to seek in this Holy Week. God bless you.