Q.: Did it start on Monday? A.: No. It started on Sunday. Q.: Did it start on Tuesday? A.: No. It commenced on Sunday? Q.: Did it start on Wednesday? A.: No. It started on Sunday. Q. Is it on Thursday? A.: No. It begun on Sunday. Q.: Why didn't it start on Friday or Saturday? A.: I can't explain that ooo. But all I know is that it all started on a beautiful Sunday, when Yahweh in consultation with His Son, the Holy Spirit and perhaps the Angels, commenced the creation of the World on a Sunday, the First Day of the week. It's out of Love that He created all the things in the world, including man as its steward and caretaker of all the created things. Yes. Another beautiful week set in motion hours ago invites us to activate our hope and love. Another promising week breathing a refreshing zeal, invites us to love one another and take care of all that is around us. May God bless us even as we begin this new week. Greetings. 🍑🍅 🏵 # ...