The Cultural Affair

Life is not only an interesting enterprise but a gift to appreciate. However, when you live in a culture of denial and pretence that everything is alright, you have to take care of yourself. When you live in a culture where disrespect nakedly rooms the streets, you've got to properly take care of your moves. When you live in a society where human dignity is monetised and traded or treated anyhow, then you have to take good care of yourself. When you live in a culture that rejects the truth but celebrates deceit, then you have a duty to be extra careful in saying what you stay and when you say what you might even say in your mind. When you have institutions that are supposed to serve you, but behaving as if they're doing you a favour, then you have to act with tact and calculated strategies. In fact, in a culture that ignores the very things that affects the afflicted and by extension everyone, you have to protect yourself and be on guard. In a culture bloated with...