For all the odds and challenges, For the many reasons of pain in the seasons, And for the many disappointments, and troubles, I tell you, you are going to make it through the struggles. Although times may be rough, unfavourable and the road unclear now, I assure you that you can and you will certainly sail through. So be kind to yourself and speak positively about what you want to be. Create that mental picture in your mind and write them out on a sheet of paper. Read through it daily and keep telling yourself you can achieve that which you think of. Carry that positive image with you everywhere you go and elevate yourself from the present worry. Even in the worse of cases, try and see the positive sides and court the positive energies into your life and the lives of others around you. You will make it through beloved, You will rise again and you will be what you wish to be. This is because you are destined to be great. Be kind to yourself again and be encouraged to k...