Adaptation is Key

We have learned and heard a lot in this time. We have been humbled by the reality of the weaknesses in our inadequacies. But beyond our lamentations of the appropriateness or otherwise of these locks, We have to brace ourselves to acclimatise. In pondering over the options available to us in this situation, what can we do better? We certainly cannot be in a panic situation all the time and continue begging to be relevant. So as we reflect on the deficits in our safety nets, we have to rethink building responsive and sustainable systems. We have to adapt and stay safe. It is advisable not to consult your fears in these uneasy times. It's wise not to confer with our frustration or the many enticing rhetorics in town. Instead, concern rhetoric with your hopes and your dreams of an end to this pandemic. Cuddle your anxieties, uncertainties, and suspicions and preserve yourself, by being cautious. Greetings to you. ©KYB ✍πΏ20/04/2020