Gratitude Notes II

It's often easy to take life for granted. The fact that we wake up every morning, could make us take the priceless gift of life for granted. Sometimes we appreciate life when the reality of our vulnerability is heightened during emergencies or critical times. Other times we are humbled by near-death experiences or by the suffering of our loved ones at hospitals or care homes. Reflecting on how we escape and survive to this day, Should remind us of the need to be grateful for our Lives. The fact that you’re still breathing, with your heart still beating, no matter how badly bruised it is, is one of the greatest blessings we should acknowledge. This is why I thank God for the gift of YOUR LIFE. Thanks to the GIVER OF LIFE for keeping you safe. Thanks to everyone (Parents, Health Workers, Essential Service Providers, Farmers, Chefs, Drivers, Janitors etc) through whose constant care we continue to LIVE. Thank you for being Alive. Please don't give up but con...